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For our first full length drawing assignment we were supposed to cover good composition and DeVinci's 6 parts of light. I chose these 3 items because I thought it would be a good way to get those 6 parts of light because the surfaces are shiny. I also chose these items because I thought the height difference would make for a good composition. I think I did really well on my shadows and my 6 parts of light. If I could go back and make some changes I would have made my background a little darker so my objects would pop out. But overall I think I did a pretty good job.


For this drawing assignment we had to choose an interesting composition with a one point perspective. We also had to include a full range of values and DeVinci's 6 parts of light. I think I did a great job on the range of values and the different lights with the shadows and highlights. If I could go back and change something i would've blended out my ceiling a little bit better but overall I think I did a pretty good job.


For this full length drawing we had to come up with a self portrait. First I started off by coming up with my proportions then I shaded in my background. After I did those first 2 steps I shaded in everything else and tried getting all my 1-10 values in. If I could go back and change one thing i would've added different values in my face and made my background darker but overall i like how it turned out.


For this full length drawing we had to do a 2 point perspective drawing with some form of anatomy. I chose a checkerboard in 2 point perspective as my reference photo and added the hand as if it was reaching for a piece on the board as my anatomy. I thought I did really well on the 6 parts of light and this was easier because there was a really strong light source. But I struggled with the checkerboard itself trying to get the black and white squares even. The hand was also a struggle because I struggle with drawing anatomy. But overall I think it turned out good.


For this full length drawing we had a choice of anything but black and white with charcoal. I chose a white flower with a black background as my reference photo. I really struggled with trying to capture shadows in this one because of the black and white. I really like how the black background makes the white flower pop out. Next time I would work more on my values. 

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